Monday, June 2, 2014

Be Fluid; Flexible Is Too Stiff

The other night I was at home sitting on my couch when I got a text....I looked down and this is what I saw:

Does she know me or what?! 

But she is so right!  My life up to this point has been pretty organized, planned, controlled.  I pride myself on this.  My friends are always telling me I need to be more spontaneous, but to be honest spontaneity scares me to the core!  The "not knowing" freaks me out!  But isn't that one of the key things God wants to teach us?  To let go...let go of the control...let go of the planning...let go of the constant need to organize...let go and let Him! 

I feel like God has slowly been teaching this to me over the past few years; and really kicking it up a notch over the past few months!  In general to prepare me for life...but more specifically to prepare me for this trip.  I have learned that in the mission field there is so much chaos and unknown. 

And boy does God know what He is doing sending me on this trip!  He is forcing me out of my comfortable life of planning and order (not that you would know that by looking at my house or office, but I digress).  He is showing me that life isn't planned and can be messy and chaotic and that's ok.  Because as long as we keep our eyes fixed solely on Him, He will work everything out.  And He always works it out with our best interests at heart.

Yes, God is calling me to step out of my comfort zone...but He would never do that without equipping me for His task.  I was afraid...afraid of what God would call me to do while in Honduras.  But there is only one thing I need to focus on doing and if I can accomplish this, the rest will fall in to place.  So what is God calling me to do there?  I think Michelle said it best: "to show the love and light of Christ so they are receptive to the Gospel."  Who better to equip me to show love and light then the one who created love and light...the one who showed the ultimate act of love when He sent His Son to die for our sins...the one who is not only the light at the end of the tunnel, but the light that guides us through.  I must only look to Him and I don't have to worry about plans and organization and control.  Because He has proven again and again that He is the ultimate creator and craftsman and that He has everything under His perfect control.

1 comment:

  1. Oh so proud of you Lisa! We have come a long way. I can't wait to hear about the plans He has for you in Honduros.
